Let me start out by saying, life is good. Then let me follow that comment with, life is hard. I am so happy to be a mother and to get to stay home to raise my two beautiful daughters. I am so glad that they are healthy and growing well, and that they are so dang cute! But, these past few weeks/months have been hard. Its not necessarily hard to take care of two babies, but it is just hard listening to two babies crying all the time and whining all the time, and on top of that it is even harder when you are getting VERY LITTLE SLEEP. I got spoiled with Brooklyn, she was sleeping through the night (8 straight hours) by two months old. But Summer, well, lets just say she isn't even close to that. But as I said in the begining, life is good. I am very blessed, and I am so grateful for a husband who is willing to help when I need it.
Time is flying by, and I have not been pulling my camera out nearly enough. I hope to start getting better at that. Here are a few pictures that I do have from the past few months.
Matching My cute little girls in their matching dresses. Yes, I am one of those moms who puts her girls in matching clothes :)
Brooklyn loves SummerAlthough Brooklyn often pokes, hits and steals the binky from Summer, she really does love her. And it is so cute to see her love on her baby sister.
Holding Summer

Brooklyn got a blanket and brought it over to Summer and then cuddled up to her. So sweet

A new thing Brooklyn does is bring her toys over to Summer and plays by/with her. It is so cute and gets me excited for when Summer is old enough to join in. I can't wait for when they can play together.

Me holding brooklyn, holding summer
Baby BlessingSummer had her baby blessing at church on January 2nd. Sadly, this is the only picture we have of the day. But doesn't she look pretty in her dress, made by Grandma Maree?
Summer and JamesOur friends Nick and Jessica Bird had their baby boy, James, exactly one week after Summer was born. They are best friends already! We do a lot of this with Jessica and James, like going mall-walking early in the morning. Brooklyn loves it, and often asks for "gec-ic-a" and "baby"
Summer and James on their matching blankets.

A more recent pic of the babes.
Christmas-TimeChristmas was great. We spent it up in Bountiful with family.
Brooklyn got this desk for Christmas. She seems like such a big girl when she sits at it and colors.

Grandma reading Brooklyn the book she got for Christmas.

Brooklyn wrapped as a present. You may ask why I did this... simply because I can muahaha

On Christmas Eve we went to see the lights on temple square. It was freezing!! but it was fun :)

Brooklyn freezing at temple square.
Just Brooklyn
Playing in the faucet. One of her favorite things to do.

All bundled up for a cold, winter walk.

Brooklyn knows how to use a stethescope! Here she is practicing on her baby doll.

She loves doritos! Just like her daddy!
Just Summer

Waving to the camera

Big 'ol cheesy smile. She is so smiley all the time! I love it!